Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tomato Bushels

Now is the time to get bushels of tomatoes!  The tomatoes are coming on strong and beautiful right now and are perfect for putting up.

50 lb. bushels are $25.00
25 lb. half bushels are $15.00

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tomatoes, Bushels, and School

Now that school has started, we'll be closing our stand at 35th South through the week and having it open only on Saturdays. All three of our stands will be closed on Mondays.

Our tomatoes by the pound are $1.50/lb.

We will be having tomato bushels periodically at our stands. 50 lb. bushels are $50.00 each and 25 lb. half bushels are $15.00 each. Get them now while the tomatoes are coming on strong!