Saturday, July 30, 2011

corn is starting!

After a long, dreary Spring, the summer finally feels like it's here!

We'll have corn in all three of our stands starting Tuesday, August 2nd.
We'll open at approximately 10:30 am and end about 6:00 or so.
The corn will be $4.80/dozen (12 ears), the same as the past couple years.
Just a reminder, we will not be accepting checks, and do not have the resources for cards, so be sure to bring your cash.

We look forward to seeing you Tuesday and for the rest of the season!

Friday, July 29, 2011

when will we have corn? UPDATE

We'll probably have corn somewhere between the 2nd and 6th of August.  Check back when it gets closer for a more definite date (even though it's pretty close now).   :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

when will we have corn?

We might be seeing corn in the stands as early as August 6th or 8th.
Check back around then for more information!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer 2011 Update

Good news: we have things planted and they're starting to grow!

The season will start a little later than usual because of our Spring and the slow start the plants had, so look for us towards the middle of August.
